Church of the Valley’s history is rooted in the stories
of two earlier Disciples of Christ churches...
In 1989, Central Christian Church of Van Nuys merged with The Little Brown Church of Studio City to form Church of the Valley. Each of these congregations brought a rich tradition of ministry and faith to this new union.
The Central Christian Church was founded over 100 years ago by a small, committed group with the aid of a renowned evangelist. A large congregation soon developed and, in 1924, the building that we worship in today was constructed.
The Little Brown Church grew out of the vision of the Rev. John Wells who saw the need for a refuge in the midst of the city - where the doors would always remain open for those seeking spiritual solace. The simple chapel was erected in 1939 and soon housed a flourishing congregation under Rev. Wells leadership.

A genuine respect for the freedom of belief. We are called together around one essential of faith: belief in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
Persons are free to follow their consciences guided by the Bible, the Holy Spirit, study and prayer, and they are expected to extend that freedom to others as well.
A belief that all God’s people are essentially one body and that we cooperate with all good people in all good works.
A proud heritage of an open Communion table. Communion is a sign of God’s grace offered to all who believe in Jesus Christ.
A ministry of all believers. Both ordained and lay persons lead in worship, service, and spiritual growth.
Today, Church of the Valley is one congregation worshipping in two locations each Sunday.
The two churches that came together in 1989 to form Church of the Valley
were very different, but the people themselves shared common traits:
Adaptability, Pragmatism, Hopefulness, and Commitment.
They also shared the fundamental qualities which describe all churches
in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) denomination: