"This is the most welcoming church I know. If you're curious and searching, if you've been away from church and are thinking about coming back, if you feel like you haven't been accepted by other churches - this is the church for you."
- Laura Hall
Sunday Morning Worship at COV
10:30AM 6565 Vesper Ave. Van Nuys, CA 91411

Stepping into Sunday worship at Church of the Valley is like arriving home. Whether you've been a member of our community for the past twenty years or it's your first time attending service, COV is glad to see you.
Worship at Church of the Valley features both contemporary and traditional music. From choir anthems, to rocking out with our praise band, to singing hymns with the congregation!
We take time to share our prayer concerns with one another, relax during a brief greeting time, and we share communion every Sunday. All are welcome at the table!
COV offers Sunday School for children and teens, as well as a beautiful nursery with a full-time staff available to care for your little ones.

"This church welcomes everyone and has a pastoral staff and music program that is top notch. I would recommend it to anyone."
- Chauncey Arturo Isom
Sunday Worship at LBC
8:00AM & 5:00PM 4418 Coldwater Canyon Studio City, CA 91604

Like COV, worship services at Little Brown Church include both contemporary and traditional music and we share communion every Sunday! Services last about an hour, and members and friends like to linger afterward to visit and catch up while enjoying coffee and refreshments.
Little Brown Church is a beautiful and peaceful location. We've hosted weddings, picnics, open mic nights, and delicious barbecues! Committed to serving God and our neighbors, we value building relationships within our congregation and local community.
Come on over during "Bless the Pets" and meet some of our four-legged (sometimes even eight-legged) family members as well!
The doors are always open at Little Brown Church.